Wombat Rex: YEAR 2 - HASS - Evaluate

One night, Nanna teaches Little J, Big Cuz and Levi about the star constellations through stories of the past. At school, Ms Chen encourages the students to investigate the evidence of dinosaurs. Little J and Levi set out to find evidence of dinosaurs themselves, happening upon the fossil of Diprotodon, also called Wombat Rex.

Evaluate - Draw simple conclusions based on discussions, observations and information displayed in pictures and texts and on maps

Theme -  PEOPLE

Evaluate what students have learnt (know and can do) from the activities in relation to the HASS curriculum. Assess the success of the module through reflecting on students’:

  • researching how ‘place’ changes over time, and can explain how people lived in the past, and also live  in the present
  • comparing how people in the past portrayed themselves and others in art and stories
  • posing and responding to questions about  who and how European explorers mapped Australia
  • comparing how Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait islander peoples mapped the land and the sea and how European artists represented the land.
  • researching the achievements of Aboriginal trackers and how the trackers contributed to our exploration and knowledge of Australia
  • communicating about people, in the past and present, and their connected to place and other places, past and present.

As a culmination of the learning in the module, students could

  • create a digital poster presentation (sound/vision) for their favourite ‘explorer’ and/or ‘tracker’, using Glogster, PowerPoint, and/or Photo story. The students could dress up as the explorer and show the presentations on a parent night.
  • create a class diorama of Australian animals and their tracks. Each student could elect a different animal, construct imitation paws to make the track prints in a plaster track, and design a habitat for the animal.
  • create a game of matching the animal to the tracks. This could be a card game or Trivial Pursuit style game. Students need to research the animal, design and print the tracks on the card and supply the information about the animal.

**Teacher note: Be aware that Aboriginal students and/or Torres Strait Islander students may not be allowed to view images of people who have died.

Student evaluation tools

Students could self-evaluate their learning using a ‘monitoring’ journal (physical or digital) where the teacher lists the key understandings and concepts students needed to acquire through the module.

  • Where applicable, a self-evaluation could be constructed as a poll rating their responses using.

Use Early Years writing using rubrics to provide feedback to students..

  • Students can use a learning worm to evaluate their work, adapted from link below:

Teacher reflection tools

Reflect on your teaching of the module. What worked well? What needs more work? What would you add, change or omit in future? Ask students to rate your efforts and recommend areas for improvement. You may want to refer to broader resources for reflection or for gaining feedback, for example: