Right Under Your Nose: YEAR 2 - Science- Evaluate

When power goes off, Big Cuz, Nanna, Little J and Old Dog go to the beach. They use bread to catch hermit crabs, which in turn are used to catch a ‘bluebone’ fish. Big Cuz learns how to fish, Nanna makes a fire to cook the fish, and Little J finds a large clam shell to take to school the next day.

Evaluate - Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways


Evaluate what students have learnt (know and can do) from the activities in relation to the Science curriculum.

Assess the success of the module through reflecting on students:

  • understanding  fish, fishing technologies and sustainable practices (past and present)
  • sourcing relevant information in response to questions about specific fish, their scientific names and classifications.
  • collecting data on the physical features of marine life in their local area
  • predicting patterns of phenomena and responding orally to observations, information and descriptive texts
  • documenting what they know about the sea, beach and marine animals in a report, chart and science journal.
  • acknowledging and learning about Aboriginal ways of knowing and/or Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing the beach/sea, stories and artworks about marine animals, and marine technologies..

As a culmination of the learning experiences, students could:

  • Participate in an excursion to the local beach, creek or estuary to explore fish habitats, and ways of fishing. Make a photo story of what students discover.
  • Participate in an excursion to a local museum, or local Heritage Centre, to examine a variety of local fishing stories, technologies and practices.
  • Listen to and engage with an Aboriginal Elder or recognised representative and/or Torres Strait Islander Elder or recognised representative (as advised from the local Elders) to visit and speak to the students about the local stories of fishing technologies and practices to harvest food from the sea. Have students learn selected words of the local language related to the focus of their learning.
  • Display and demonstrate fishing equipment and a fish skeleton to school to add to the display as ‘show and tell’.
  • Create a Quiz where other students display their knowledge of energy and sustainable practices
  • Design a fishing net sculpture based on traditional technologies.
  • Access and examine Aboriginal artworks and/or Torres Strait Islander artworks that explore sea countries, sea creatures, and sea culture, e.g. Living by the Sea, Yolngu Sea Country

Student evaluation tools

Students could self-evaluate their learning using a ‘monitoring’ journal (physical or digital) where the teacher lists the key understandings and concepts students needed to acquire through the module.

Where applicable, a self-evaluation could be constructed as a poll rating their responses using:

Use Early Years writing using rubrics  to provide feedback to students.

Students can use a learning worm to evaluate their work, adapted from:

Teacher reflection tools

Reflect on your teaching of the module. What worked well? What needs more work? What would you add/change/omit in future? Ask students to rate your efforts and recommend areas for improvement. You may wish to refer to broader resources for reflection or for gaining feedback, for example: