Old Monster Dog:YEAR 2-English-Evaluate

Little J is initially scared to approach the ‘monster’ in the back yard. Encouraged to face his fears, he vows to catch the frilly-necked monster and sets about building a monster trap with the help of Levi.

Evaluate - Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures

Theme - QUESTS

Evaluate what students have learned (know and can do) from the activities in relation to the English curriculum content descriptions.

Assess the success of the module through reflecting on these questions:

  • How is the term ‘brave’ synonymous with hero &/or heroine?
  • What is the stereotypical hero, and how are ‘heroes & heroines’ represented in various comics?
  • What is a news report and how is it constructed and presented as a multimodal text?
  • How do image and pictorials work with text to communicate and enhance meaning?
  • What is a ‘quest‘story and how it is constructed?
  • Do the students display an understanding that spoken, visual and written forms of language are different modes of communication with different features and that their use varies according to the audience, purpose, context and cultural background?
  • What did the students learn about the heroes/heroines, villians and ‘monsters’ of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples as portrayed in some of their traditional and contemporary stories?
  • Can the students explain what a bunyip, yowie, and/or mumuga is? Do they begin to understand the significance and purposes of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander story telling?

As a culmination of the learning in the module, students could:

  • Create story in a short form comic strip about a ‘hero or heroine’ who encounters a ‘monster’.
  • Develop a news report about the siting of an Australian ‘monster’ where they take on the role of reporter (filmed, audio or written text).
  • Design a cape for a ‘super hero’ that can be covered with words, symbols and signs that represent the character.
  • Read a number of story books about ‘monster’ characters, and select one to ‘fracture’ and develop a new ending, or invert the meaning.

Student evaluation tools

Students could self-evaluate their learning using a monitoring journal (physical or digital) where the teacher lists the key understandings and concepts students needed to acquire through the module.

  • Where applicable, construct a self-evaluation as a poll, rating their responses using.
  • Use Early Years writing using rubrics to provide feedback to students using the rubric. Explain this evaluation to parents during your parent/teacher interviews.

Students can use a learning worm to evaluate their work, adapted from link below:

Teacher reflection tools

Reflect on your teaching of the module. What worked well? What needs more work? What would you add, change or omit in future? Ask students to rate your efforts and recommend areas for improvement. You may want to refer to broader resources for reflection or for gaining feedback, for example: