Hopalong: FOUNDATION - HPE - Evaluate
When B-Boy comes to stay overnight, Little J becomes envious of the attention he is getting from everyone. Out walking on Country, Nanna, Little J, Big Cuz and B-Boy find an injured joey. Uncle Mick, a Search and Rescue officer, tells them how to care for the joey that they name ‘Hopalong’. The children feed and look after Hopalong until Mick finds him a place in a wildlife shelter.
Evaluate - Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing
Evaluate what students have learnt (know and can do) from the activities in relation to the Health & Physical Education curriculum content descriptions. Assess the success of the module through reflecting on students’:
- Identifying caring people in families, communities and friendship groups
- Describing how they are cared for as well as having caring responsibility for others
- Discussing feelings such as nervousness and practicing positive strategies to overcome negative emotions
- demonstrating protective and caring strategies they have learned in class through visual, text and/or oral communication
- contextualising their knowledge, understanding and skills through developing a personal statement about confidence
As a culmination of the learning in the module, students could:
- practise and host a performance about welcoming new people to the school. Students play both parts of the new student and the welcoming host.
- learn about the ‘Welcome to Country’ ceremonies hosted by Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Island peoples, and the welcoming ceremonies of other cultures, e.g. the Haka (NZ), the Lai presentation (Hawaii), etc.
- design and participate in a class reward system for those students who show kindness and consideration for others
- develop a ‘bucket list’ of things they could do in the term/semester to assist others at school or at home.
Student evaluation tools:
Students could self-evaluate their learning using a ‘monitoring’ journal (physical or digital) where the teacher lists the key understandings and concepts students needed to acquire through the module.
Where applicable, a self-evaluation could be constructed as a poll rating their responses using.
Use Early Years writing using rubrics to provide feedback to students using the rubric.
Students can use a learning worm to evaluate their work, adapted from:
Teacher reflection tools:
Reflect on your teaching of the module. What worked well? What needs more work? What would you add/change/omit in future?
Ask students to rate your efforts and recommend areas for improvement. You may wish to refer to broader resources for reflection or for gaining feedback, for example: