Big Plans: YEAR 2 - Media Arts - Explore3

Big Cuz and Little J are very excited that Sissy is coming to play with them over the weekend. They both see Sissy as their special friend. Big Cuz wants to play a ‘Sisters Only’ talent quest just for she and Sissy, and Little J plans an obstacle course for all to play. Eventually, Little J, Big Cuz and Sissy come together to test their skills on the obstacle course.

Explore - Use media technologies to capture and edit images, sounds and text for a purpose


After viewing Little J & Big Cuz, Episode 13 ‘Big Plans’, engage students with the following activities to support their understanding about the conventions of framing and composition in media production.

Explain to students the types of camera shots or framing, and provide examples, such as


  1. Middle ground (Mid-shot)
  2. Wide shot (wide angle)
  3. Panoramic

Cut 6cm x 6cm cardboard frames (with a 4cm x 4cm square cut out of the centre) that the students can use to view their subject/s. Have students move closer to an object to mimic a close-up, and move further away to mimic a wide shot. Have students physically move to view an object such as a toy or a chair from different angles Support students to understand that the lens of a still or movie camera moves in and out changing focal length in order to capture the different views of the subject.

Show students examples of additional camera shot/framing terms used in ‘moving’ image, such as:

  • Dolly/Tracking – the camera is mounted on a cart which travels along tracks
  • Pedestal – vertical movement up and down
  • Pan – horizontal movement side to side
  • Zooming – altering the focal length of the lens to give the illusion of moving closer to or further away from the action

Re-watch Little J & Big Cuz, Episode 13 ‘Big Plans’, and have students identify the different camera frames used to tell the story. Set up a Quizlet with different scenes listed and a selection of camera angles that students should match with the scene. Poll the responses from the whole class to assess the students’ understanding.

If available, have students set up a ‘still life’ with random objects found in the room. Using a camera on a tripod, have students take three shots of the same subject: horizontal long shot (panoramic), mid-ground shot at eye level, and a close-up from above or below. Print the photos and have students arrange them on cardboard and label the type of shots.

As a class, examine the photos that Nanna took of the children, and have the students identify the types of framing she used. Set up a similar shot with class mates and take the same composition from a different angle. Evaluate the differences archived from the variety of framing angles.

Invite students to share the advice they would give Nanna about framing her photography efforts.