Big Plans: YEAR 1 - Media Arts - Evaluate

Big Cuz and Little J are very excited that Sissy is coming to play with them over the weekend. They both see Sissy as their special friend. Big Cuz wants to play a ‘Sisters Only’ talent quest just for she and Sissy, and Little J plans an obstacle course for all to play. Eventually, Little J, Big Cuz and Sissy come together to test their skills on the obstacle course.

Evaluate - Create and present media artworks that communicate ideas and stories to an audience

Theme - MEDIA

Evaluate what students have learnt (know and can do) from the activities in relation to The Arts: Media Arts curriculum.

Assess the success of the module through reflecting on students:

  • storyboarding using story principles and techniques, evidencing a beginning, middle and end to their stories
  • understanding the importance of setting (on location and in studio), sound (voice, music, location, sound effects) and character (gesture and expression) in media productions
  • producing and recording sound effects, and knowing the purposes for sounds in media productions, and how and why they are produced
  • identifying various genres of media production that are found in print, television and online, particularly News Reports, Reality Television (Talent Quests and Reality game shows), and advertising (e.g. Trailers)
  • communicating how promotional materials, such as Trailers, are used and produced for a particular audience
  • creating media productions using media technologies and software, such as photographic sequences with various framing techniques, etc.
  • using symbolic elements to enhance meaning.

As a culmination and extension of the learning activities in this module, students could:

  • Create a short stop-motion animation about a favourite toy competing in a Game show and using an imaginary obstacle course as the setting.
  • Interview Little J and Big Cuz for an exclusive magazine interview.
  • Conduct a ‘Meet the Producer‘, where students pitch an idea for another Little J & Big Cuz episode.
  • Build a ‘mystery sound booth’ and have other students come and guess the sounds, and how they were produced.
  • ‘Mashup’ clips from classic silent movies and add sound effects.
  • Mime a story, design a soundscape, play charades in character, change the props, gestures, and movements, for an episode.
  • Design a new character for the Little J & Big Cuz series.

Student evaluation tools

Students could self-evaluate their learning using a ‘monitoring’ journal (physical or digital) where the teacher lists the key understandings and concepts students needed to acquire through the module.

Where applicable, a self-evaluation could be constructed as a poll rating their responses using:

Use Early Years writing using rubrics to provide feedback to students.

Students can use a learning worm to evaluate their work, adapted from:

Teacher reflection tools

Reflect on your teaching of the module. What worked well? What needs more work? What would you add/change/omit in future?

Ask students to rate your efforts and recommend areas for improvement. You may wish to refer to broader resources for reflection or for gaining feedback, for example: