Big Plans: YEAR 1 - HPE - Evaluate

Big Cuz and Little J are very excited that Sissy is coming to play with them over the weekend. They both see Sissy as their special friend. Big Cuz wants to play a ‘Sisters Only’ talent quest just for she and Sissy, and Little J plans an obstacle course for all to play. Eventually, Little J, Big Cuz and Sissy come together to test their skills on the obstacle course.

Evaluate - Propose a range of alternatives and test their effectiveness when solving movement challenges


Evaluate what students have learnt (know and can do) from the activities in relation to the Health and Physical Education.

Assess the success of the module through reflecting on students:

  • communicating and cooperating skills and aptitudes to complete a physical challenge as an individual and as a team
  • generating positive attitudes and strategies that encourage positive team spirit, and make others feel included, valued, supported and needed
  • participating in team games, including Aboriginal games and/or Torres Strait Islander games, that improve physical and mental skills, and communication abilities
  • playing and inventing cooperation games
  • identifying and describing the characteristics of cooperative team work
  • practising and performing physical movements and overcome a challenge
  • problem-solving and using the whole body to coordinate movement.

As a culmination of their learning in this module, students could:

  • Host a ‘Field Day’ with another class where the class presents their own invented games (perhaps at a series of stations) and groups from the other class attempt the challenges.
  • Hold a sports day to play only Aboriginal traditional games and/or Torres Strait Islander traditional games.
  • Host a dance-off where all students are to imitate different animal movements when announced.
  • Make a gallery of sporting idols who attended the school, or lived in the community.
  • Produce a video of the obstacle courses and the participant’s attempts, and present it in the format of a TV presentation.
  • Design and construct three medals to present to the most ‘determined’, the most ‘hard working’, and the most ‘helpful’ students in the class, on a monthly basis.

Student evaluation tools

Students could self-evaluate their learning using a ‘monitoring’ journal (physical or digital) where the teacher lists the key understandings and concepts students needed to acquire through the module.

Where applicable, a self-evaluation could be constructed as a poll rating their responses using:

Use Early Years writing using rubrics (PDF) to provide feedback to students using the rubric.

Students can use a learning worm to evaluate their work, adapted from:

Teacher reflection tools

Reflect on your teaching of the module. What worked well? What needs more work? What would you add/change/omit in future?

Ask students to rate your efforts and recommend areas for improvement. You may wish to refer to broader resources for reflection or for gaining feedback, for example: