Big Plans: YEAR 1 - HPE - Engage

Big Cuz and Little J are very excited that Sissy is coming to play with them over the weekend. They both see Sissy as their special friend. Big Cuz wants to play a ‘Sisters Only’ talent quest just for she and Sissy, and Little J plans an obstacle course for all to play. Eventually, Little J, Big Cuz and Sissy come together to test their skills on the obstacle course.

Engage - Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings. 


After viewing Little J & Big Cuz, Episode 13 ‘Big Plans’, engage students with the following activities to support their understanding about sharing, respecting others, and coping with frustration.

Focus students’ attention on the different emotional reactions Little J has during Episode 13 ‘Big Plans’. Outline the sequence of scenes and have students suggest how he was feeling, e.g.

  • At school - before the three-legged race – positive and determined to win in the corridor before going home – excited and happy
  • At home - the afternoon before Sissy arrives – concentrating on planning a surprise


  • after Sissy arrives – excluded, frustrated, disappointed, conciliatory, eager to please, angry, fearful, confused;
  • when Sissy comes out play – excited, included, supporting, humorous, trusting, anticipatory, patient, happy.

Ask students to plot on a graph or Roller-coaster’ chart how Little J’s emotions swung from high to low throughout the scenes in the episode.

Using a ‘Roller-coaster’ chart, plot the highs and lows of Little J’s day, for example:

Have students reflect on what happened to them yesterday and how their emotions changed from the time they woke up in the morning till they went to bed at night. Ask students to suggest what happened to them and how their emotions changed throughout the day.

Invite students to plot a graph that reflects the highs and lows of their day. As a class, list the events in their day that make them ‘positive’ about themselves, and the events that make them ‘negative’, that is, frustrated and/or angry.

Have students consider that everyone has similar triggers that make them feel better about themselves; this usually reflects how included/accepted they are by others. Reflect on how Little J felt excluded from the game Big Cuz and Sissy were playing, and on how Big Cuz felt excluded from the game Little J and Sissy were playing. Have students reflect on their own behaviours to members of their class, school, and/or family; have the students suggest ways they could make others feel (more) included.

Set a challenge for students to have a photo taken with one new school friend every day for a week. Post these photos on the class webpage/blog/community/notice board and write a caption for the photo describing the emotion they felt when finding a new friend.