Big Plans: YEAR 1 - HPE - Elaborate2

Big Cuz and Little J are very excited that Sissy is coming to play with them over the weekend. They both see Sissy as their special friend. Big Cuz wants to play a ‘Sisters Only’ talent quest just for she and Sissy, and Little J plans an obstacle course for all to play. Eventually, Little J, Big Cuz and Sissy come together to test their skills on the obstacle course.

Elaborate - Create and participate in games with and without equipment


After viewing Little J & Big Cuz, Episode 13 ‘Big Plans’, engage students with the following activities to support their understanding about playing games/sport that enhances the way they think about strategy.

At the start and end of each session, conduct warm up and cool down stretches.

Water waiters

Focus on: foot placement, balance and agility.

  1. Provide students with aprons or tea towels in their waistbands.
  2. Tell students they are waiters in a fancy restaurant. Have them imitate aloof waiters and practise carrying a tray with their eyes looking straight ahead at all times.
  3. Set up a simple obstacle course in the playground.
  4. Provide each ‘waiter’ with a tray (cardboard sheet) on which are placed one or more plastic cups full of water.
  5. Each waiter must carry the tray with its cup/s through the obstacle course without losing water.
  6. Three or four waiters enter the obstacle course at the same time and the winner is the one with the most water remaining in their cups.


  • Run the race as a relay, with teams competing for the best combined time (or the most water in their cups.
  • To make it easier: have small trays, keep the course to flat ground, and provide only half-full cups of water.
  • To make it harder: have larger trays and several cups very full of water.

Design an obstacle course

  • Organise students into groups. Each group is to design and construct their own obstacle course.
  • Provide a selection of simple equipment and found/recycled materials for experimenting, such as rope, blankets, balls and beanbags. In their groups, have students design a game or challenge to test their movement skills, agility, and speed.

Variations: Add to the course, extra challenges that test other parts of the body, such as:

  • sight – finding a coloured ball in a tub of multi-coloured balls of different colours to the one to find
  • mind – add a puzzle for participants to solve at the end of the challenge
  • hearing – listen to a musical beat and the participant needs to repeat the beat using makeshift instruments, such as, glasses with water filled at different heights, etc.

Remind students that to be skilful at physical activities, the whole body must be engaged.